Wednesday, 23 March 2011

I haven't stopped blogging!

...I just haven't blogged for a while. I thought I'd better pop in and let you know, before you all give up on me.   The pics are of my latest painting project, these word plaques have been around for a while, I bought a blank a while ago thinking it might be fun to paint.

I wasn't sure what I was going to paint on it - the design kind of evolved as I went along.  The Union Jack was a real fiddle to do, but now it's finished I'm pleased with the result.

It brightens up a plain bit of wall in the kitchen, it will hang higher up on the wall eventually, I just haven't got round to fixing it up yet.

I'm busy getting ready for the fairs I'm doing in a few weeks time:

I may be doing some smaller local fairs too - details to come once these are confirmed.  That's all for now, must ease myself back in gently!