Saturday, 13 February 2010

Mission: Accomplished

Mr. Bloom went out on a 'secret mission' early this morning, he wasn't giving much away, but I know he went to a certain shop which happens to sell flowers.

I went on my own mission, to look for stock for my unit in Lechlade, and I did find a few nice things:

(Woven door curtain in background, fibreglass rose design tray, boxed set of 6 floral mats, rose trellis cushions, rose design bowls, pink mirror, crinoline lady sugar tin)

I was really pleased to find the tablemats - they have some beautiful prints on them, at least two are signed Vernon Ward though I'm not sure they are all his.

This lovely Worcester Ware sugar tin, very battered and shabby, but that's OK because I'm keeping it for myself.

The mirror has some cute hand-painted roses on the back - needs a good clean, hadn't got around to that yet!

Mr. Bloom was home before me, and no sign of anything having been bought - but I know from previous experience that he accomplished his mission and it's been hidden in the shed.
I've already got Mr. Bloom's Valentine gift - ME (ha ha!) - but just in case I also bought him a couple of DVD's.

Now we've eaten dinner I have another mission - the washing up!
TTFN - Lucy