Well, it seems we are now firmly into 2009 - hope you all had a great New Year, thank you for your good wishes on my last post.
Much as I love Christmas, I do find it disruptive and must admit that I'm also rather glad when it's over - especially that odd period in between Christmas and New Year, where it's difficult to know quite what one should be doing with oneself.
Walks seem to be quite popular though.

On one of these odd days, I decided an outing in the crisp winter weather to walk off some of that stodge would be the order of the day.
We dressed up warmly, jumped in the car and drove to one of my favourite spots to begin our walk.

First we walked down the High Street to the antiques centre. A good hour or so spent browsing yielded some goodies too.

Next a brisk walk to the other end of the High Street, to a delightful gift shop which is sadly closing down.

Then a walk to the local hostelry for some refreshment to keep up our energy levels.

Finally, a walk to the charity shop, unexpectedly found to be open.

Then a short walk back to the car and home to warm our toes - hope you enjoyed our winter walk as much as we did ;-)

I also found some time in that odd in-between period for a bit of crafting, some items will be apearing in my shop very soon.

Around this time last year I remember vaguely resolving to have a good clear out around the house and attic. I don't know what happened but now the situation is even worse (the stuff situation that is, i.e. too much of it - I think these winter walks have a lot to answer for!).
Having a good clear out is not one of my favourite things to do, it's something I have to break down into manageable chunks and delay starting for as long as possible. But the time has come and over the next few weeks I will again be having a good clear out and listing some things for sale too.

Right... off I go then... to have a good clear out - have a good weekend!
Lucy x