(to take to my craft stall in Marlborough)
Met a friend here

and enjoyed this

and thrifted these:
(shopping in Cirencester)
Oh, the pink teapot...

I couldn't resist the pink teapot - I just love it! (can you blame me?)
Thought I'd show what I've been doing lately (as opposed to what I should have been doing!)I bought some glass jars in a charity shop recently. I wanted to decorate them in some way as I didn't want the contents to be visible. I wanted fast results and decided on paper, but rather than decorate on the outside I chose to decorate from the inside.
For these two I used a wallpaper border cut to size. It was so simple, I just rolled the paper and slipped it into the jar, then spread it out into place, a strip of sticky tape inside secured the paper and will stop it curling up again. Of course, jars with straight sides are best for this. Some ribbon tied around the neck of the jar finished them off. They can be kept simple or more decorative as this pink one. I used a pretty scrapbooking paper here, and some ribbon, lace, flowers and beads to decorate.
On a roll now, I went hunting in the kitchen for some empty jars but only found 2 (unfortunately the recycling collection had been the day before).
As these had rather ugly lids I made some matching paper covers. I used a decorative punch to give a lace effect edge, but a pinked edge would look good too.
The good thing with decorating them this way is that you can easily change the design as nothing is glued on. You could make some to match your decor using left-over wallpaper, or use Christmas paper and fill them with treats as a gift. I wouldn't recommend using them for food storage unless the items are wrapped, e.g. sweets or stock cubes, as it could get rather messy.
I was quite pleased with the results. Now - where am I going to put them?
These 2 can go here...
And these will look just right here.