the outside:

the inside:

It has a very French Brocante feel and there are three floors packed with treasures. With a lot of antique centres you might get one or two really stunning units amongst a lot or ordinaryness, but at Zani's all the units are a treat.
You might have noticed that Mr. Bloom and I have been up to Shropshire a few times for our mini-breaks. This started quite by chance when I was searching the Travelodge website for cheap rooms and Ludlow happened to come up, how lucky for me as that part of Shropshire, as well as being picturesque is a great area for antiquing and I'm always happy to go back there.

Of course, this was back in May so my pictures are quite out-of-date, but fortunately Zani has a website here which is frequently updated with pictures of lovely new stock. Be warned though, it might make you drool!

I'll bet you want to know what I bought - well actually just a piece of fabric, a very lovely one, the blue in the background in this pic. Not that I couldn't have bought half the contents of the shop, but the budget didn't permit, and sometimes just looking is enough.

This weekend Mr. Bloom and I are off on our summer break - we're not going to Shropshire this time (though I wouldn't mind if we were!), Norfolk is our destination, for a change. Finger's crossed for good weather!