Mr. Bloom and I don't go out much, we are quite happy to be pottering about at home. On some Tuesday afternoons though, we do treat ourselves to a trip to the cinema. Tuesdays because it's cut price day, and late afternoon because it's not so crowded as in the evening. I prefer not to have anyone sitting next to me, or in front of me, or behind me (except Mr. B. of course)!

Our routine each time we go is pretty much the same. Arrive about 10 minutes before the start, Mr. Bloom buys the tickets and I buy the Pick'n'Mix. Then we go in, find our aisle seats - about half way up so that you don't strain your neck either up or down -and scoff the Pick'n'Mix whilst the adverts are showing, so that we're not making a noise when the feature starts (we are very considerate like that ;-).
I do get annoyed at the prices charged for food and drink in the cinema so I bring my own drink, a bottle of water - hidden in my handbag. I always buy the same Pick'n'Mix selection, about £1.50, which I think is an outrage for what you get, but it's a little extra treat for us.
First, 2 chocolate mice, for me

Then, two chocolate Brazils for Mr. Bloom.

Four jelly babies (2 each)

Four Liquorice Allsorts (2 each)

And lastly, four wine gums (2 each)

This week we went to see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - it was worth going, though I did nod off a couple times in the middle (no reflection on the film, I always get drowsy in the afternoons) but it is quite long, almost 3 hours. The last three films we have seen were all quite serious, and one in particular - Changeling - extremely harrowing to watch. I thought Benjamin Button would be a bit light hearted but I definately needed hankies. Next on the list is The Secret of Moonacre (please don't let it be harrowing!!!).
Yesterday I took a little drive out to Cirencester to the Home and Garden Bazaar. Lizzie had blogged about it recently, it was the first one and I was interested to see what it would be like. There was a good mix of stalls, some new, some handcrafted and some vintage. Not enough vintage for me but I did see Lizzie on her stall and we had a nice chat. I didn't buy anything as I've had to tighten the purse strings lately and I had tied them so tight I couldn't get the purse open. Nice to window shop though.

Afterwards I took a walk round the charity shops - there are a fair few in Cirencester plus an antiques arcade, so enough to keep a thrifty girl happy. I did manage to wrestle a few pounds out of the purse to buy some pretty fabric, a pair of vintage pillowslips and some lace and trimmings. I justified the purchase as materials for crafting. The broderie anglaise lace has tiny pleats, ideal for dolly clothes. The fabric is a soft jersey cotton - it looks something Laura Ashley might have done, but there is nothing on the selvedge - I don't know if the dress fabrics had her logo on. Not sure if the pillowslips will remain intact or be cut up.
Recently our hot water upstairs has been anything but - taking a lukewarm bath or shower is not fun. Mr. Bloom was tackling it today but had to admit defeat and call out the plumber.

Turns out the previous occupants had very cleverly fitted the boiler behind some pipes so you can't get the front off to take a look inside. So plumber has to come back next week and re-position all the pipes before he can look inside and tell us if he can fix it or we need a new boiler! Either way - ouch!