Good evening dear readers, hope your weekend is going well. I have just completed two more Christmas social engagements, round to friends for drinks and nibbles last night, and out to lunch today with brother and sister-in-law. I shan't see my brother over Christmas as they are going away, so today was our "Christmas lunch" in lieu. We went to a quaint old English pub which was very cosy and served a delicious Sunday Roast.

I'm making it sound like we have a whirlwind social life, but in fact the opposite is true, Mr. Bloom and I are a couple of homebodies really and I am feeling quite exhausted by it all.
But, to the point of this post. I have been very fortunate to have won three giveaways since I started blogging. Oh yes, I've been lucky indeed, just look what came in the post yesterday:

This wonderful Angel doll was in a giveaway hosted by the very generous and talented Becky of On a Wing and A Prayer. She wears a vintage dolls dress and her wings are made from a piece of antique weathered wood. She is beautifully made and must have taken hours of work. Thank you so much Becky for your generosity. Becky also wrote a little story about me which I hope she won't mind me showing you.
"Lucy Bloom" wandered through Central Park, lost and wondering what she was to do. Her first time in America, she knew no one really.Then as she wandered, from the side of her eye she caught a sparkle, a glimmer of something in the grass. It was a Golden Key...What next Lucy Bloom?
Now I really want to know what happened next - does anyone know?
The same day I received a lovely bundle of baker's twine, which I won in Gill at Lucy Locket's Giveaway. Thank You Gill, that's a very seriously generous bundle!

I posted about my first Giveaway win here. In fact I feel slightly embarrassed at having won all these Giveaways, maybe I won't enter any for a while, but they are so tempting! To say Thank You I'm going to do another Giveaway myself in the New Year, so do look out for it.

I also have to show you some beautiful items I bought from Kim at Ragged Roses. These fabric balls are just the loveliest things. I love the colours and these have been the inspiration for my kitchen Christmas tree.

I had been wondering how to dress the tree this year and these have proved just perfect. I carefully added some hanging loops which I can remove again later, these lovelies will definately be on display all year round. Kim has some beautiful things in her Etsy shop here.
I haven't been able to get a good photo of the whole tree yet, I'll try again and add it to the post.

I also wanted to say to everyone who has left a comment on my post - thank you again - I love reading them and have been a bit remiss in visiting in return, but I will do so over the next couple of days. Knowing how busy everyone is this time of year, I do appreciate the time you take to visit me and leave your lovely comments, I don't know how you manage to fit it all in!