I feel I should be starting to put out my Christmas decorations, in fact I would love to be doing that but I am still dealing with the aftermath of the Fairs (the ongoing 'not enough house' problem). At the rate I'm going I might just have time to think about decorating by Christmas Eve!

As promised, some pictures of my purchases at the fairs. First two pics are a divine lavender sachet, tags and crumpled ribbon, from Shirley at Simply-Chateaux. In fact most of the things I bought were from Shirley, her stall was just divine, makes my mouth water just to think about it.

Above, lovely pink fringing bought from Leonore at the Vintage and Handmade fair, plus a pretty quilted blue cushion just seen in the top right corner.

French books and Ephemera from Shirley.

This fairy doll just epitomises vintage Christmas for me, I bought her at the Vintage and Handmade fair, sorry but I don't know who from, I was doing my usual rushing back to my stall at the time.
I'm so glad these lovelies are mine - otherwise I'd be very envious (hee hee!). Back to the grind, hope to have some Christmas piccies soon!